Freedom of the Press 2007: Luxembourg
28 February 2008
1 minute read
RSF regrets the disturbing decision by a Luxembourg appeal court to impose a suspended prison sentence and fines on the two “LuxLeaks” whistleblowers who exposed the country’s gigantic system of tax avoidance for multinationals.
The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is shocked by the decision of the public prosecutor on 2 August to open a counter-appeal against Antoine Deltour, Raphaël Halet and Edouard Perrin, the two whistleblowers and the journalist involved in the so-called ‘‘LuxLeaks scandal’’.
Whistleblowers Antoine Deltour and Raphaël Halet were given suspended jail sentences for leaking documents that dislcosed favourable tax arrangements offered by Luxembourg to multinational companies. Investigative journalist Edouard Perrin was acquitted.