The Harmful Digital Communications Act: Harmful to everyone except online harassers

This article is more than 9 years old

Recent articles in New Zealand

In this October 2012 file photo, literature from New Zealand is featured at the Frankfurt, Germany book faireparations for the upcoming book fair in Frankfurt, October 9, 2012, REUTERS/Ralph Orlowski

IPA condemns banning of award-winning book in New Zealand

Ted Dawe’s young adult novel “Into the River” has fallen foul of the Christian lobby group Family First, which pressured the New Zealand Film and Literature Board of Review into putting an interim restriction on the book.

The Waihopai Station is a secure communication facility run by New Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau, "Waihopai 1" by Schutz - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Pacific action needed against spy net outlined in Snowden documents

Ten Pacific countries are listed in media reports as being targets of spying by New Zealand’s Government Communications Security Bureau, which gives the NSA full access – and control – over the data.

Journalist Nicky Hager,

New Zealand journalist harassed by police to name sources

Police recently raided the home of New Zealand investigative journalist Nicky Hager to search and seize property. The aim of the search was to identify the person who provided information used in his recent book “Dirty Politics”.