(CPJ/IFEX) – Leftist guerrillas abducted seven journalists who they had invited to cover alleged atrocities committed by paramilitary forces against local farmers. The seven journalists were intercepted on 29 October 1999 by members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). This is the second Colombian media kidnapping in less than a week. Reuters photographer […]
(CPJ/IFEX) – Leftist guerrillas abducted seven journalists who they had
invited to cover alleged atrocities committed by paramilitary forces against
local farmers. The seven journalists were intercepted on 29 October 1999 by
members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
This is the second Colombian media kidnapping in less than a week. Reuters
photographer Henry Romero currently faces a “trial” by another rebel group,
the National Liberation Army (ELN), because he photographed an ELN commander
who wished to remain anonymous (see IFEX alert of 28 October 1999).
The seven reporters and cameramen kidnapped on 29 October had left the
oil-refining town of Barrancabermeja by boat at 6:30 a.m. They were heading
for southern Bolívar Department, where FARC had invited them to cover the
displacement of local farmers by paramilitary forces. Members of FARC’s
Unit 24 reportedly intercepted the journalists on the way.
A rebel leader who identified himself as Commander Leonardo called the
Bucaramanga daily “Vanguardia Liberal”, where one of the hostages works, to
report the kidnapping. He said the journalists would be released when they
reported the “truth” about atrocities committed against local farmers by
paramilitary forces.
The media concerned – Caracol and RCN networks; Noticiero de las 7 and CM&
news programs; and “Vanguardia Liberal” – put out a press release saying,
“All the undersigned media have constantly denounced the outrages of both
the paramilitary and the guerrillas and will continue to do so, exercising
their professional rights and duties. However, it is totally unacceptable
that the armed actors should attempt to manipulate journalistic content by
any means – much less by violence and kidnapping.”
The kidnapping is especially worrisome because there is reportedly heavy
fighting in the region where the journalists were kidnapped.
CPJ condemns the kidnapping of journalists by any party to a civil conflict
as a clear violation of international humanitarian law. Article 3 of the
1949 Geneva Conventions, which applies to internal conflicts, prohibits the
taking of civilian hostages or the trial and sentencing of anyone “in the
absence of a previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court.”
“The FARC and ELN must release all kidnapped journalists unconditionally and
respect the press’ right to cover all parties to the Colombian conflict in
an impartial and objective manner,” notes Marylene Smeets, coordinator of
CPJ’s Americas program. “We are outraged and saddened that Colombian
journalists are being held hostage to serve short-term political ends.”