(RSF/IFEX) – On 25 September 1998, RSF reported that on 18 September seven journalists were arrested in Kinshasa. According to RSF’s information, Semy Dieye, Lokota, Nkuku Mengui, Delo Demazou, Pronto and two others — all journalists with the official radio station Voix du peuple — were arrested and taken to the Détection militaire des activités […]
(RSF/IFEX) – On 25 September 1998, RSF reported that on 18 September seven
journalists were arrested in Kinshasa. According to RSF’s information, Semy
Dieye, Lokota, Nkuku Mengui, Delo Demazou, Pronto and two others — all
journalists with the official radio station Voix du peuple — were arrested
and taken to the Détection militaire des activités anti-patrie (the military
unit for detection of activities against the country.) Accused of
“complicity with the rebels,” the journalists continue to be held in secret.
The seven had been arrested previously on 9 September. They were held for
four days at police headquarters in Kinshasa and freed after the Minister of
Information intervened.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to President Kabila:
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 19 of which
guarantees the right to inform and be informed
ensure they are respected by others
charges are linked to their professional activities, to do everything in his
power to secure their release
Appeals To
Mr. Laurent-Desiré Kabila
President of the Democratic Republic of Congofax care of the DRC diplomatic representative to your country
(in France)
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Fax: +33 1 42 89 80 09(in Canada)
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo
18 Range Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 8J3 Canada
Fax: +1 613 747 9152
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.