(IPYS/IFEX) – Baruch Ivcher’s trial on charges of customs fraud, tax evasion and falsifying documents began on 14 September 1998. In the first hearing, the defense was not given any opportunities and anything the prosecution tried to enter into evidence against the accused was accepted. The prosecutor has asked for a twelve-year prison term for […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – Baruch Ivcher’s trial on charges of customs fraud, tax
evasion and falsifying documents began on 14 September 1998. In the first
hearing, the defense was not given any opportunities and anything the
prosecution tried to enter into evidence against the accused was accepted.
The prosecutor has asked for a twelve-year prison term for Ivcher and a
hefty sum in damages. Of note is that the so-called “key witness” is
nowhere to be found, and he was named in the trial only by number. This is
the first time that this type of identification of a witness has been used
in a civil trial; up to now, the system was applicable only to terrorism
trials. Another novelty is that, in the trial, the national taxation body
(SUNAT) is the plaintiff. This was appealed by Ivcher’s lawyers, since
SUNAT did not participate in the initial investigation of the charges, as
it should have under the law governing these types of trials.
**Updates IFEX alert of 16 and 2 September 1998. For background, see
various IFEX alerts.**
Background Information
According to IPYS, this trial is part of the government’s campaign to
remove Ivcher of his economic interests in the country. According to
available information, this action is unfounded. It is an arbitrary action
similar to the 1997 measures taken to strip Ivcher of his Peruvian
citizenship and of control of his television station (see IFEX alerts).