(RSF/IFEX) – On the evening of 30 April 1997, Bosco Tchoubet, director of publication of the privately-owned newspaper “La Revelation”, was arrested in Yaounde. The journalist was then detained at the Central Office of Judicial Investigations of the Secretary of State for Defence (“la Direction centrale de recherche judiciaire du secretariat d’Etat a la Defense”) […]
(RSF/IFEX) – On the evening of 30 April 1997, Bosco Tchoubet,
director of publication of the privately-owned newspaper “La
Revelation”, was arrested in Yaounde. The journalist was then
detained at the Central Office of Judicial Investigations of the
Secretary of State for Defence (“la Direction centrale de
recherche judiciaire du secretariat d’Etat a la Defense”) before
being brought, on 6 May, before the Yaounde public prosecutor.
Tchoubet has since been transferred to an undetermined location.
According to Biby Ngota, the editor-in-chief of “La Revelation”,
the arrest of Tchoubet is linked to the publication of an article
entitled “Akame Mfoumou, a Kabila in the making” (“Akame Mfoumou,
un Kabila en gestation”) which accused the Minister of State in
charge of the Economy and Finances, Edouard Akame Mfoumou, of
maintaining private militias.
Elsewhere, on 5 May, security forces confiscated the latest
edition of the bi-weekly “L’Expression” from kiosks in Yaounde.
The action is reportedly in connection with the publication, in
the edition in question, of a lengthy interview with Titus Edzoa,
the former Minister of Public Health who resigned from the
government. On 6 May, the latest issue of the privately-owned
newspaper “L’Anecdote” was seized in the kiosks. It alleged that
a meeting had taken place between the principal leader of the
opposition, John Fru Ndi, and Edzoa.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
Nations states that “detention, as a negative measure against the
peaceful expression of an opinion, constitutes one of the most
reprehensible ways to impose silence, and is thus a serious
violation of human rights”
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 19
of which recognises the freedom to inform and to be informed
the international community, and that they do everything in their
power to procure the release of Bosco Tchoubet
the privately-owned press and that they ensure the free
circulation of information in Cameroon
Appeals To
His Excellency Paul Biya
President of the Republic of Cameroon
Palais de l’Unite
Yaounde, Cameroon
Fax: +237 23 30 22/+237 22 16 99Peter Mafany Musonge
Prime Minister
Immeuble Etoile
1000 Yaounde, Cameroon
Fax: +237 23 57 65M. Laurent Esso
Minister of Justice
Garde des Sceaux
Ministry of Justice
1000 Yaounde, CameroonM. Augustin Kontchou Kouomegni
Minister of State for Communication
Ministry of Communication
BP 1588
Yaounde, Cameroon
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.