(IPYS/IFEX) – In accordance with the proceedings of the Interamerican Human Rights Commission (IHRC) of the Organisation of American States (OAS), on 29 May 1998 the IHRC sent a message to the Peruvian government inviting them to avail themselves of a mechanism to find an amicable solution to the problem with businessman Baruch Ivcher. The […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – In accordance with the proceedings of the Interamerican Human
Rights Commission (IHRC) of the Organisation of American States (OAS), on 29
May 1998 the IHRC sent a message to the Peruvian government inviting them to
avail themselves of a mechanism to find an amicable solution to the problem
with businessman Baruch Ivcher. The time limit for this solution was one
month, which has now passed without the government demonstrating any
interest in the proceeding. Rather, the Peruvian government has requested
that the determination of admissibility of the case by the IHRC be
**See various IFEX alerts; for background information on the Ivcher case see
IFEX alert of 19 September 1997**
The next step which the IHRC can take is to discuss the case at its next
session, in August 1998 in Guatemala or in September 1998 in Washington.
There they may decide if the case can be transferred to the Interamerican
Human Rights Court, leading them to bring an action against the Peruvian
government. The ruling which the Court would issue should be acted upon by
the parties. However, no corrective mechanism exists through which such a
ruling can be enforced. A ruling against the government not then acted upon
would profoundly damage international judicial order and the image of the
Background Information
In a July 1997 ruling, a court suspended the ownership rights of Baruch
Ivcher in Frecuencia Latina/Canal 2. Ivcher has faced legal harassment
because of the critical stance his station has taken. The Peruvian
government has also stripped Ivcher of his Peruvian citizenship.