(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 18 May 1998, at least nine Indonesian journalists were attacked by the police or army while covering riots in Indonesia over the last week. Sayuti, of Media Indonesia, was shot by police at the 14 May riot in Jakarta. He was badly injured after being struck […]
(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 18 May 1998, at
least nine Indonesian journalists were attacked by the police or army while
covering riots in Indonesia over the last week. Sayuti, of Media Indonesia,
was shot by police at the 14 May riot in Jakarta. He was badly injured after
being struck by two bullets and he remains in hospital. Tutang Muchtar, a
photographer with the weekly “Sinar”, was beaten by eight policemen who also
seized his camera. Yuyung Abdi, of “Jawa Pos”, was kicked
by soldiers. Ika Rais, of “Pikiran Rakyat”, Riyanto Oemar, of “Republika”,
and A. R. Rochime, of “Aksi”, were all injured after special police forces
beat them with truncheons. A.R. Rochime was also threatened at gunpoint.
Munawar Mandailing, of the news agency Antara, was arrested by police in
Medan as he was trying to take a picture of a burning motorcycle. He was
beaten by policemen and had to be taken to hospital. Hindaryoen, of
“Kompas”, and Edi Romadhon, of “Kedaulatan Rakyat”, were also beaten by
Jakarta police.
Furthermore, Indonesia’s five private TV channels received orders from the
Ministry of Information not to broadcast reports on the riots. Normally, the
news is broadcast by the state-owned TV, (TRVI), but the private channels do
some reporting on current events.
RSF also notes that Ging Ginanjar, correspondent for the Australian radio
station SBS, was arrested on 10 March in Jakarta as he was interviewing
actress Ratna Sarumpaet, who had organised a meeting to discuss the
consequences of the Indonesian economic crisis. Ging Ginanjar is detained at
Salemba prison, and has been charged with “prohibited-meeting organisation
and subversion” (see IFEX alerts of 13 and 11 March 1998). On 9 March, Wandy
Nicodemus Toturong, a journalist with “Sinar Pagi”, a daily based in
Jakarta, was also arrested. He was covering a demonstration held by the
Indonesian Independent Labour Union (SBSI). He has been accused of
participating in the demonstration (see IFEX alert of 13 March 1998).
RSF is most concerned about the numerous attacks on Indonesian journalists
in the course of their coverage of the riots taking place in the country.
RSF will keep a close watch on how the situation develops, and on the
attitude of the police and army
towards journalists and other media employees.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
from stopping journalists from reporting freely on current events
Wandy Toturong
Appeals To
His Excellency President Suharto
c/o Foreign Ministry
Fax: +62 21 345 4438
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.