(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 press release: RECOMMENDATIONS BY AFGHAN CIVIL SOCIETY FOR A FREE AND PLURALISTIC MEDIA A meeting of representatives of Afghan civil society – including journalists, academics and NGO workers – today issued a set of recommendations on how to promote an independent and pluralistic media in Afghanistan […]
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 press release:
A meeting of representatives of Afghan civil society – including journalists, academics and NGO workers – today issued a set of recommendations on how to promote an independent and pluralistic media in Afghanistan (1). The group, meeting in Kabul from 30-31 July 2002 under the auspices of ARTICLE 19, Global Campaign for Free Expression, welcomed a recent policy statement by the Ministry of Information and Culture, and called on the authorities to transform Radio Television Afghanistan and other State media into public service outlets.
A range of representatives of Afghan civil society met in Kabul from 30-31 July to discuss a number of key issues facing the media. The meeting was designed to ensure Afghan civil society input into a major International Seminar on Promoting Independent and Pluralistic Media in Afghanistan being organised by the authorities and the UN from 3-5 September 2002.
The meeting also discussed the statement on Policy Directions on Reconstruction and Development of Media in Afghanistan, published recently by the Afghan Ministry of Information and Culture. ARTICLE 19 has published an analysis of these Policy Directions (2) which, if implemented, would provide a strong basis for the development of an independent and pluralistic media in Afghanistan.
The meeting recommended, among other things, that the Ministry Policy Directions be widely disseminated, that Radio Television Afghanistan and other State media be transformed into public service outlets, that wide-ranging restrictions on the content of what may be published or broadcast be reviewed and that threats and harassment of the media should cease.
1. Copies of the Recommendations are available on the ARTICLE 19 website at www.article19.org/docimages/1321.doc
2. Copies of the Analysis are available on the ARTICLE 19 website at www.article19.org/docimages/1322.doc (English) and www.article19.org/docimages/1323.doc(Dari).