(JED/IFEX) – On 18 May 2004, two Congolese Intelligence Service (Direction spéciale de renseignements, DSR) agents seized a videotape from Alexis Mugisha Rubuga, a cameraman with Congolese National Radiotelevision’s (Radiotélévision nationale congolaise, RTNC) Goma station. The tape contained images from the closing ceremonies of a North Kivu province civil society empowerment workshop, held from 16 […]
(JED/IFEX) – On 18 May 2004, two Congolese Intelligence Service (Direction spéciale de renseignements, DSR) agents seized a videotape from Alexis Mugisha Rubuga, a cameraman with Congolese National Radiotelevision’s (Radiotélévision nationale congolaise, RTNC) Goma station. The tape contained images from the closing ceremonies of a North Kivu province civil society empowerment workshop, held from 16 to 18 May.
Rubuga had just completed his report on the closing ceremonies and was on the road between Goma and Sake, near the Katindo military base, when he received a call from the two DSR agents, telling the cameraman to wait for them where he was. The agents claimed to have a message from “the authorities” to deliver. On their arrival, they simply grabbed the videotape from Rubuga’s camera and disappeared, telling him they would return the cassette themselves at a later date. The cassette has not been returned to date.