Albania: Swift justice needed following deadly attack on ‘Top Channel’

This article is more than 1 year old

Recent articles in Albania

Albanian police detain and assault journalists documenting police violence

IPI: “Journalists have a right to document the actions of the police as a matter of public interest, and these detentions are a violation of the public’s right to know. Authorities must also immediately investigate reports of journalists being assaulted by police, including while in custody.”

Rights groups raise concerns as Albania looks to push ahead with controversial ‘anti-defamation law’

The proposed amendments could have a chilling effect on the right to freedom of expression online and also restrict Albanian citizens’ right to access to information.

Albanian authorities pursue highly problematic media laws despite public outcry

If new draft laws enter into force, they will introduce mandatory registration for online media and create a body with the power to fine, shut down and block sites and platforms – all without a court order. Online media will be regulated by the state.