(RSF/IFEX) – Article 9 of Section 5 of a media bill currently being debated in the Brazilian Congress provides for sentences ranging from 30 days to one year of community work (“trabalhos de interesse comunitario”) for journalists convicted of libel, slander or insult. They could also be fined anywhere from R$ 2000 to 100,000 (roughly […]
(RSF/IFEX) – Article 9 of Section 5 of a media bill currently
being debated in the Brazilian Congress provides for sentences
ranging from 30 days to one year of community work (“trabalhos de
interesse comunitario”) for journalists convicted of libel,
slander or insult. They could also be fined anywhere from R$ 2000
to 100,000 (roughly the same amount in US dollars). Furthermore,
if the community work sentences are not carried out, they will be
converted into prison sentences of a minimum of 30 days.
**Further details to IFEX alert dated 16 October 1997**
Journalists in Brazil fear that the legislation poses serious
consequences for offending media outlets and journalists,
possibly leading, in the case of the former group, to their
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
constitutes a serious attack on press freedom
not approved and adopted by Brazilian legislators
Appeals To
Senator Antonio Carlos Magalhaes
President of the Senate and President of the Brazilian Parliament
Senado Federal
Pca dos Tres Poderes
Ed. Principal
1 andar
Brasilia, Brazil
Fax: +55 61 311 1600Representative Michel Temer
President of the House of Representatives
Camara dos Deputados
Pca. dos Tres Poderes
Ed. Principal
70160-900 Brasilia, Brazil
Fax: +55 61 224 1289Copies to:
His Excellency Fernando Henrique Cardoso
Palacio do Planalto
Brasilia DF, Brazil
Fax: +55 61 226 7566Sergio Motta
Minister of Communications
Brasilia DF, Brazil
Fax: +55 61 226 3980
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.