Tunisian authorities have refused to renew the passport of journalist Salah Bechir, an editorial writer with the Arab- language, London-based daily “Al-Hayat”. On 2 April 1996, Bechir went to the Tunisian Embassy in Paris to ask for a renewal of his passport. However, on 10 May, his request was turned down, with one Embassy official […]
Tunisian authorities have refused to renew the passport of
journalist Salah Bechir, an editorial writer with the Arab-
language, London-based daily “Al-Hayat”. On 2 April 1996, Bechir
went to the Tunisian Embassy in Paris to ask for a renewal of his
passport. However, on 10 May, his request was turned down, with
one Embassy official stating simply: “We were only following
orders from Tunis.”
As for Kamel Labidi, Tunis correspondent of the French daily “La
Croix-L’Evenement”, he is still waiting for Tunisian authorities
to return his passport, despite repeated efforts by Labidi and
his attorney, and repeated promises by the government. Labidi’s
passport was taken from him on 6 January 1996 (see IFEX press
release dated 1 February 1996).
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
Labidi be allowed respectively to renew and gain possession of
their passports, and that they be able to practice their
profession free from any kind of harassment
Appeals To
His Excellency Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
President of the Republic of Tunisia
Presidential Palace
Tunis, Tunisia
Fax: +216 1 744 721
Please copy appeals to the originator if possible.