Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations

Link to: Website editor receives death threats

Website editor receives death threats

Rosa Malsagova has decided to leave her post as editor-in-chief of the website

Link to: Three journalists harassed, attacked by police

Three journalists harassed, attacked by police

Police harass and attack three journalists during a concert in Saratov.

Link to: Journalist receives death threats

Journalist receives death threats

Zhanary Davletova, a journalist with the “Uralskaya Nedelya” newspaper who has written about police corruption, says she has received threatening phone calls.

Link to: Journalist attacked by police at protest rally

Journalist attacked by police at protest rally

The leader of a journalists’ union was beaten at a protest rally on 15 June 2009.

Link to: CJES, GDF and IFJ launch report on journalists killed

CJES, GDF and IFJ launch report on journalists killed

A report titled “Partial Justice: An Investigation into the Deaths of Journalists in Russia, 1993-2009” was presented at the Marble Hall of Moscow’s House of Journalists by IFJ, GDF and CJES.

Link to: Journalist threatened over television programme

Journalist threatened over television programme

The Krug television company has asked law enforcement agencies to protect its journalist, Dmitry Bakayev.

Link to: Forty-five IFEX members call for release of journalist Chief Ebrimah Manneh

Forty-five IFEX members call for release of journalist Chief Ebrimah Manneh

Free expression advocates from around the world gathered this week in Oslo, Norway, at the IFEX General Meeting. Forty-five IFEX members signed on to the following statement, calling on The Gambian government to enforce an ECOWAS court judgement of the journalist’s case.

Link to: Thirty IFEX members call on governments to respect fundamental human rights of free expression and privacy of communications

Thirty IFEX members call on governments to respect fundamental human rights of free expression and privacy of communications

Free expression advocates from around the world gathered this week in Oslo, Norway, at the IFEX General Meeting. Thirty IFEX members signed on to a resolution on the surveillance of communications and the fundamental right to protection of journalistic sources.

Thirty IFEX members call on government to protect journalists and end impunity

Free expression advocates from around the world gathered this week in Oslo, Norway, at the IFEX General Meeting. Thirty IFEX members signed on to a letter to President Mahinda Rajapaksa, calling on him to “stop the war on journalists”.

Link to: Forty IFEX members protest attacks on free expression

Forty IFEX members protest attacks on free expression

Free expression advocates from around the world gathered this week in Oslo, Norway, at the IFEX General Meeting. Forty IFEX members signed the following statement, calling on the Bahraini authorities to address recent attacks on free expression in that country.

Link to: Forty IFEX members appeal for diplomatic support in detained journalists’ case

Forty IFEX members appeal for diplomatic support in detained journalists’ case

Free expression advocates from around the world gathered this week in Oslo, Norway, at the IFEX General Meeting. Forty IFEX members signed on to a letter calling on the international community to press for the release of journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling.

Link to: Thirty-seven IFEX members express concern about deterioration of free expression

Thirty-seven IFEX members express concern about deterioration of free expression

Free expression advocates from around the world gathered this week in Oslo, Norway, at the IFEX General Meeting. Thirty-seven IFEX members signed on to a statement calling on the Azerbaijani authorities to address the deterioration in press freedom.

Link to: Journalist Aziz Myrzabayev attacked, his camera stolen after filming police raid

Journalist Aziz Myrzabayev attacked, his camera stolen after filming police raid

(CJES/IFEX) – Aziz Myrzabayev, a journalist with the Otyrar television channel in Shymkent, South Kazakhstan province, took part in a police raid under editorial assignment in the early hours of 17 March 2009. During the raid, the police pulled over a car with no license plates. The people in the car demanded that the journalist […]

Link to: Information Centre deputy director Galina Kozhevnikova receives threatening e-mail

Information Centre deputy director Galina Kozhevnikova receives threatening e-mail

(CJES/IFEX) – Galina Kozhevnikova, deputy director of the information and analytical center Sova, received a threatening e-mail from a nationalist organization. The authors of the letter call on her to stop her anti-fascist activities and to “stop talking.” “The killings of journalists, lawyers and all kinds of ‘experts’ draw much more public response than the […]

Link to: Several Rezonans-TV journalists assaulted by security guard while covering protest rally

Several Rezonans-TV journalists assaulted by security guard while covering protest rally

(CJES/IFEX) – On 5 February 2009, a group of journalists from the Dnepropetrovsk journalistic investigations studio Rezonans-TV were assaulted by a security guard from the limited liability company Agroavrora in the village of Pridneprovskoye, Nikopolsky district. The journalists went to the village to film a protest rally and to talk to the locals about their […]

Link to: Journalists banned from covering reading of Altai governor’s report; accreditation requests denied

Journalists banned from covering reading of Altai governor’s report; accreditation requests denied

(CJES/IFEX) – According to CJES, the Altai Territory’s administration has demonstrated that it divides the region’s journalists into “chosen ones” and those who are not worthy of receiving information on the region. Several journalists were recently barred from a meeting in the territory’s Legislative Assembly, where the governor reported on the territory’s achievements in 2008. […]