Elif İnce


İhraçların ötesinde: Barış akademisyenleri, açtıkları alternatif akademilerde başka bir eğitimi kurguluyor

Gazeteci Elif İnce, Derya Keskin, Ulaş Bayraktar ve Julia Strutz ile barış bildirisi imzacısı akademisyenlerin baskılara rağmen Türkiye’nin on şehrinde ve Almanya’da kurdukları akademileri konuştu.


Beyond the purge: How academics in Turkey are facing up to repression by reimagining education

Over five hundred academics who signed a peace petition in 2016 asking Turkey to end violence against Kurds were banned from teaching. In response, they set up alternative venues for education and research all over the country, free and open to everyone.

Actor Mehmet Emin Yalçınkaya (right) as ‘Yaşar’ in ‘Yaşar Heye Tune Ye’ (‘Yaşar Is Neither Alive Nor Dead')

Turkey’s state of emergency puts Kurdish theatre in a chokehold

When the municipalities of Diyarbakır, Batman and Hakkari, all run by the Kurdish opposition party, were seized by the Turkish government under state of emergency rule, one thing the appointed trustees all made sure of was to take municipal theatres out of operation.

Dilawer Zeraq’s dictionary of 18 thousand Kurdish idioms is the product of more than 20 years of research., Evrensel

Report: No space for peace talk in Turkey’s state of emergency

As Turkey increasingly silences free expression during its state of emergency, pressure intensifies for Kurdish writers and artists.