Ethiopian Free Press Journalists Association

Link to: Government bans EFJA

Government bans EFJA

(EFJA/IFEX) – The following is an EFJA statement: In a 10 November 2003 letter to EFJA, the Ministry of Justice’s Associations’ Registration Office banned the organisation from carrying out its activities. EFJA obtained official recognition seven years after its establishment and for the past three years has been carrying out its work under very difficult […]

Link to: Concern over possible government ban of EFJA

Concern over possible government ban of EFJA

(EFJA/IFEX) – The following is an EFJA Executive Committee statement: EFJA’s existence at a crucial point Government considers taking action to ban EFJA In a statement broadcast on Radio Ethiopia and Ethiopian Television on the evening of 4 November 2003, the Ministry of Justice’s Associations’ Registration Office said it is preparing to take measures against […]

Link to: Editor-in-chief summoned, released on bail

Editor-in-chief summoned, released on bail

(EFJA/IFEX) – On 9 October 2003, Wessenseged Gebrekidan, editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper “Etiop”, was summoned by the Central Investigation Department. Gebrekidan reported to police and was released on bail of Eth. Birr 5,000 (approx. US$585) after making a statement. The editor was summoned in connection with a news item entitled “National Military Service Proclamation […]

Link to: Journalist assaulted by unidentified men in military uniform

Journalist assaulted by unidentified men in military uniform

(EFJA/IFEX) – The following is a 6 October 2003 EFJA statement: Journalist beaten up Araya Tesfa Mariam, a journalist with the Amharic-language weekly newspaper “Itiop”, was beaten up by unidentified individuals at about 9.00 p.m. (local time) on 1 October 2003, while on his way home. He sustained very serious physical injuries and is receiving […]

Link to: Three journalists from weekly “Al-Nejashi” imprisoned and fined

Three journalists from weekly “Al-Nejashi” imprisoned and fined

(EFJA/IFEX) – On 20 August 2003, three journalists from the weekly newspaper “Al-Nejashi” were imprisoned and fined following a Sharia Court decision. Publisher Arif Abdul Kadir, managing editor Awol Kedir and editor in-chief Yusuf Getachew were each handed one-month prison sentences and fines ranging from 600 to 1000 Eth. birr (US$70 to $117). The three […]

Link to: Deputy editor-in-chief of “It’op” newspaper charged, detained

Deputy editor-in-chief of “It’op” newspaper charged, detained

(EFJA/IFEX) – A state prosecutor has charged Wosenseged Gebrekidan, deputy editor-in-chief of “It ‘op” newspaper, with “publishing and disseminating an article in ‘It’op’ newspaper no. 343 that libels Habte Mariam Seyoum”. Gebrekidan is accused of dismissing the former ambassador’s statements regarding his diplomatic efforts during the Ethio-Eritrean war, and in connection with issues relating to […]

Link to: EFJA celebrates World Press Freedom Day

EFJA celebrates World Press Freedom Day

(EFJA/IFEX) – The following is a 4 May 2003 EFJA press release: World Press Freedom Day celebrated for a second year in a row World Press Freedom Day – 2003 was colorfully celebrated on 3 May 2003, for the second time at EFJA’s office. The event took place in the presence of members of the […]

Link to: Editor-in-chief arrested and detained

Editor-in-chief arrested and detained

(EFJA/IFEX) – Melese Shine, editor-in-chief of the Amharic weekly newspaper “It’op”, has been charged with violating Article 10(2)(b) and Article 20/11 of Press Proclamation No. 34/85/EC and Article 480(1) of the Penal Code. He has been charged with defaming the administrator of Ras Desta hospital, Melkamu Gettu, in an article published in issue 8/320 of […]

Link to: Former editor-in-chief fined; publisher appears in court, released on bail

Former editor-in-chief fined; publisher appears in court, released on bail

(EFJA/IFEX) – On 14 April 2003, Ato Melese Gessit, the former editor-in-chief of “Gemoraw” newspaper, was fined 11,000 Ethiopian birr (approx. US$1,300) by the Third Criminal Bench of the Federal High Court. He is accused of violating Articles 10(1) and 20(1) of Press Proclamation No. 34/85 and Articles 480(b) and 580(1) of the Penal Code. […]

Link to: Newspaper vendors detained, harassed

Newspaper vendors detained, harassed

(EFJA/IFEX) – The following is a 14 February 2003 EFJA statement: Hunting down of news vendors must stop Vendors of Ethiopian free press publications have told us that they are being hunted down and detained, and their newspapers are being snatched from them by police. The police are engaged in such acts at a time […]

Link to: Media professionals issue joint statement protesting draft press law

Media professionals issue joint statement protesting draft press law

(EFJA/IFEX) – The following is an 8 February 2003 EFJA press release: Journalists of the Ethiopian free press, publishers and media professionals issue joint statement in protest against the new draft press law A workshop that discussed the new draft press law was held at the Semien Hotel hall on Saturday, February 8, 2003. The […]

Link to: New government proposals threaten press freedom and EFJA

New government proposals threaten press freedom and EFJA

(EFJA/IFEX) – The following is a 17 January 2003 EFJA statement: The very existence of EFJA is at a risk! The right of citizens to freedom of expression has, for ages, been brutally suppressed in countries like Ethiopia, where democratic systems have not been established. After the EPRDF (Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front) put the […]

Link to: Journalist assaulted by police

Journalist assaulted by police

(EFJA/IFEX) – On 27 December 2002, police beat Yonas Wolde Senbet, a reporter for the “Tobbia” newspaper, and took his tape recorder. The incident occurred during clashes between the laity, who had congregated at the “Lideta” Church (an Orthodox church in Addis Ababa) grounds, and a Special Federal Police Force. According to information gathered by […]

Link to: IFEX members and other participants at IFEX meeting sign declaration on Ethiopia

IFEX members and other participants at IFEX meeting sign declaration on Ethiopia

(EFJA/IFEX) – The following is a joint action signed by IFEX members and other participants at the International Freedom of Expression eXchange meeting in Dakar, Senegal on 10-13 September 2002: JOINT ACTION FOR ETHIOPIA We the undersigned support the resolution of the Ethiopian Free Press Journalists Association (EFJA), adopted on August 17, 2002, in connection […]

Link to: EFJA statement on draft press law and journalists’ code of ethics

EFJA statement on draft press law and journalists’ code of ethics

(EFJA/IFEX) – The following is a 17 August 2002 EFJA statement: Position statement issued by Ethiopian free press journalists and media professionals on the new press law and the Journalists’ Code of Ethics that is in the process of being drafted by the government. The Ethiopian Free Press Journalists’ Association (EFJA), its entire membership, free […]

Link to: EFJA concerned over charges and bail imposed on editors-in-chief

EFJA concerned over charges and bail imposed on editors-in-chief

(EFJA/IFEX) – On 1 April 2002, the Third Criminal Bench of the Federal High court ordered Melese Shine, editor-in-chief of “Ethiop” newspaper and magazine, to appear in court on 17 May for a third criminal charge that has been filed against him. Shine is presently remanded in custody because he has been unable to pay […]