IFEX-ALC expresses solidarity with journalist Roberto Deniz and the Armando.info web portal
IFEX-ALC expresses its solidarity with Roberto Deniz and the Armando.info investigative journalism portal, as both are being subjected to harassment and judicial persecution.

Activists, human rights organizations and the families of persons deprived of liberty in Cuba collectively urge the IACHR to conduct an in loco visit to Cuba in order to understand the situation
The work being done by these collective groups represents a beacon of hope for Cuba, and the entire region – IACHR

Cuba: Writers and artists remain threatened and imprisoned two months after protests
In the two months since historic mass demonstrations swept through Cuba on July 11, drawing national and international attention to the island’s deteriorating sociopolitical conditions, there have been at least 39 documented arrests of artists related to the protests, four of whom were subjected to trial without a jury.

International organisations reiterate concern over the Cuban government’s repressive response one month after the July 11 protests
One month after the massive protests in Cuba on July 11, we as human rights organizations reiterate our concern over the government’s repressive response. This response has resulted in serious human rights violations against protestors and further polarization among different segments of the population. It has also made dialogue and openness to listening to and addressing social demands impossible once again.

International community called on to unite in defending freedom of expression, press freedom in Nicaragua
In the face of escalating repression and the systematic persecution of the independent press and dissident voices, we the undersigned organizations, call on the international community to speak up in defense of press freedom and freedom of expression in Nicaragua, to condemn the ongoing violations of these rights, and to appeal for the restoration of conditions to allow free, fair and transparent elections to take place. In addition, we call on the Nicaraguan authorities to respect the right to freedom of expression and to provide guarantees for press freedom.

Independent media and organisations call on the Cuban government to respect the right to demonstrate and freedom of expression and to halt violence against demonstrators
The undersigned organisations condemn the Cuban government’s repression of the citizen protests registered since 11 July 2021 and which continue to date.

IFEX-ALC calls for investigation into possible act of retaliation against CAinfo’s work
The IFEX-ALC network expresses its solidarity with its member in Uruguay, the Centro de Archivos y Acceso a la información Pública-CAinfo. Since its creation in 2008, CAinfo has played a leading role as a serious, rigorous and committed defender and promoter of freedom of expression and access to information in Uruguay.

Civil society organizations in the region reject the capture of the Constitutional Court and the Attorney General’s Office in El Salvador and warn that the principle of separation of powers in the country is being affected.
The undersigned civil society organizations, committed to the defense of the rule of law, human rights and democracy in Latin America, strongly reject the decisions adopted on May 1 by the Salvadoran Congress to arbitrarily remove from office the judges and alternate judges of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Attorney General, and to irregularly appoint their replacements, in violation of the constitutional and international legal framework, and warn of a serious risk to the preservation of the democratic system in the country.

AMARC-ALC, CPJ, IFEX-ALC, Race and Equality and Voces del Sur condemn press freedom deterioration in Nicaragua, call on authorities to guarantee freedom of expression rights
We call on authorities to guarantee freedom of expression rights and We express our solidarity with Nicaraguan journalists and media workers, recognising their bravery, courage and unwavering commitment

Joint statement on the National Day of the Journalist in Nicaragua
As Nicaragua recognizes the National Day of the Journalist today, the undersigned organizations express our solidarity with Nicaraguan journalists and call on authorities across the country to put an end to widespread harassment of journalists and ensure the media and press freedom organizations can work safely.

IFEX-ALC condemns new attempts to obstruct justice after 32 years of impunity in case of journalist Hugo Bustíos
IFEX-ALC is concerned over reports of obstruction of justice in the case involving retired general and current Peruvian presidential candidate Daniel Urresti Elera. Urresti has been accused of involvement in the 1988 murder of journalist Hugo Bustíos Saavedra. The IFEX-ALC alliance calls on Peruvian judicial authorities to bring 32 years of impunity in the Bustíos case to an end.

Urgent call to preserve the lives of the strikers gathered at Movimiento San Isidro’s headquarters
Since November 16, approximately 14 activists, artists, and journalists have congregated at the MSI headquarters, under siege from state security forces. They are demanding the release of the musician Denis Solís González.

IFEX-ALC condemns arbitrary detention of journalists Miriam Grizel and Cesario Padilla, members of the C-Libre team
The IFEX-ALC network condemns the arbitrary detention of journalists Miriam Grizel and Cesario Padilla in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and calls on the national authorities to respect and guarantee the right to freedom of expression and the work of journalists and civil society organisations. Grizel and Padilla are journalists for the Comité por la Libre Expresión, (Committee for Free Expression, C-Libre), an IFEX-ALC member organisation.

IFEX-ALC Urges the Nicaraguan Government to Halt Legal Threats to Freedom of Expression
IFEX-ALC is deeply concerned about the Cybercrime Law passed on October 27 of this year by the National Assembly of Nicaragua. The crimes established in this law have rather abstract definitions that could be open to abusive interpretation. The law also criminalizes activities that constitute legitimate exercise of freedom of expression.

IFEX-ALC, Media Defence, and RSF support FLIP and journalist Diana Díaz against state harassment in Colombia
IFEX-ALC, Media Defence and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) oppose all acts of intimidation from the Colombia Prosecutor General’s against the Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP) and the journalist Diana Díaz. They also urge the Colombian authorities to ensure respect for the work of journalists and organizations defending and promoting freedom of expression.

Civil society organisations welcome new IACHR Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression Pedro Vaca
We, the undersigned civil society organisations, congratulate and welcome Pedro Vaca as the new Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) special rapporteur for freedom of expression.