Link to: Magistrate orders prison authorities to produce jailed journalist in court

Magistrate orders prison authorities to produce jailed journalist in court

(NDIMA/IFEX) – On 17 October 1997, a Nairobi court ordered that detained journalist Palazh Krishnanunni Raja, an Indian national, be produced in court on Thursday 23 October 1997. Senior resident Magistrate Sammy Muiruri ordered prison authorities to ensure that Krishnannuni be brought before him on that day. The order was made after an application by […]

Link to: NDIMA and World Press Photo Foundation announce World Press Photo Contest

NDIMA and World Press Photo Foundation announce World Press Photo Contest

(NDIMA/IFEX) – The World Press Photo Foundation and the Network for the Defence of Independent Media in Africa (NDIMA) have announced the World Press Photo Contest. The cornerstone of the Foundation’s activities, the contest is the only international event of this stature, with pictures coming from photographers at work in all parts of the world. […]

Link to: Freelance journalist charged over allegedly defamatory article

Freelance journalist charged over allegedly defamatory article

(NDIMA/IFEX) – Freelance journalist Palazh Krishnanunni Raja (previously reported as Raja Krishna) was, on 3 October 1997, charged in a Nairobi court in connection with a story which appeared in the newspapers “The Times” and “Rift Valley Times” about Presidential aide Joshua Kulei. Raja, an Indian national and author of the article, faces two counts […]

Link to: Journalists detained and questioned over source of photo

Journalists detained and questioned over source of photo

(NDIMA/IFEX) – On 3 October 1997, a Criminal Investigation Department (CID) officer briefly arrested the editor of a rural newspaper, “Maarifa”. This monthly publication, produced by Information Ministry personnel, circulates in Central Province of Kenya. “Maarifa” published a photograph of the bullet-riddled body of top criminal Bernard Matheri alias ‘Rasta’in the latest issue of the […]

Link to: Publisher and director of printing firm charged with defamation

Publisher and director of printing firm charged with defamation

(NDIMA/IFEX) – A Nakuru publisher and a director of a printing firm which prints “The Times” and “Rift Valley Times” newspapers appeared in a Nakuru court on 2 October 1997 after being charged with publishing a defamatory article. Joe Kariuki, publisher of “The Times” and “The Rift Valley”, and Techno Press director Joseph Agola denied […]

Link to: Two Kenya Television Network journalists reinstated

Two Kenya Television Network journalists reinstated

(NDIMA/IFEX) – Two Kenya Television Network (KTN) editors suspended in July 1996 have been reinstated. Vitalis Musebe, the head of news at KTN, and his deputy, Isaiya Kabira, officially resumed work on the morning of 1 October 1997 after an absence of nearly three months. Musebe said they had been reinstated unconditionally. **Updates IFEX alert […]

Link to: Koigi wa Wamwere co-prisoner falls ill; Koigi wa Wamwere’s health reportedly deteriorating

Koigi wa Wamwere co-prisoner falls ill; Koigi wa Wamwere’s health reportedly deteriorating

Charles Kuria wa Wamwere, the brother of detained writer, human rights activist and former Member of Parliament Koigi wa Wamwere, has been admitted to the Nairobi Hospital after falling ill at the Kamiti Maximum Security Prison, their mother said on 26 October 1996. Their mother, Monica Wangu Wamwere, also said that Koigi wa Wamwere’s health […]

Link to: Seminars banned

Seminars banned

On 11 October 1996, Chelimo Cheboi, Embu District Commissioner in the Eastern Province of Kenya, ordered an immediate stop to all non-governmental organization (NGO) and church-organised seminars in the district because “they were political.” Cheboi was addressing a crowd gathered at Moi Stadium in Embu town, where he is reported to have said that the […]

Link to: Koigi wa Wamwere’s co-prisoner sick

Koigi wa Wamwere’s co-prisoner sick

The “Sunday Nation”, Kenya’s leading English-language newspaper, reported on 13 October 1996 that jailed ex-army Captain G.G Njuguna Ngengi had been admitted to Nairobi Hospital suffering from heart-related ailments. His lawyer, Paul Muite, said Ngengi – – who is serving a four-year jail term along with writer Koigi wa Wamwere and Charles Kuria wa Wamwere […]

Link to: “The People” office petrol-bombed

“The People” office petrol-bombed

A gang of about eight people threw four petrol bombs into the compound of the Nairobi weekly newspaper “The People”, situated along Waiyaki Way in Westlands area, on 18 September 1996 shortly after midnight. The bombs exploded after hitting the wall and window of the accounts office but did not cause any major damage. Two […]

Link to: Fotoform printing house bombed

Fotoform printing house bombed

On 27 August 1996, the premises of Fotoform Printers in Westlands, Nairobi were bombed; however, no substantial damage was done. According to the 30 August edition of the weekly “The People”, which is printed by Fotoform, the gas used in the bombing was contained in two plastic cans which were placed at the rear basement […]

Link to: Copies of play burned during religious demonstration

Copies of play burned during religious demonstration

Two plays about AIDS awareness were among the several items burned during a religious demonstration against the introduction of sex education in Kenyan schools. On 31 August 1996, hundreds of Catholic youth, led by Catholic Church Cardinal Maurice Otunga, marched through the streets of Nairobi. The marchers ended up at Uhuru Park, where the protest […]

Link to: Minister threatens to lock out print media

Minister threatens to lock out print media

On 20 August 1996, Kenya’s Foreign Affairs and International Co- operation Minister, Kalonzo Musyoka, was reported by the “East African Standard” (the second largest selling English daily in Kenya) as having said he would no longer be granting interviews to the print media because of the role they have played in fanning the constitutional reform […]

Link to: Minister criticises paper

Minister criticises paper

Kenya’s Minister for Home Affairs and Nation Heritage, Francis Lotoda, has criticised a Sunday newspaper, “Sunday Standard”, for a report which appeared in its 18 August 1996 edition. The report said the Minister had denied child prostitution existed in Kenya. In its front-page story, the “Sunday Standard” quoted the Minister as having said “Child prostitution […]

Link to: “Nation” photographer briefly detained while covering release of jailed members of advocacy group

“Nation” photographer briefly detained while covering release of jailed members of advocacy group

On 6 August 1996, twenty one jailed members of the Release Political Prisoners (RPP) advocacy group were released on bail. Govedi Astusta, a photographer from Kenya’s leading daily “The Nation” who was covering the release, was arrested by prison guards and his camera was confiscated. The photographer was arrested while attempting to capture pictures of […]

Link to: Court rejects application for release on bail of writer and politician Koigi wa Wamwere

Court rejects application for release on bail of writer and politician Koigi wa Wamwere

**Updates IFEX alerts dated 24 and 17 July, 14 February 1996 and 4 October 1995** On 26 July 2996, the High Court sitting in Nakuru rejected an application by Mirugi Kariuki, the lawyer for detained writer and politician Koigi wa Wamwere, to have his client, along with co- accused G.G. Njuguna Ngengi and Charles Kuria […]