(IPYS/IFEX) – Baruch Ivcher says he has been receiving constant death threats over the past ten days related to this week’s visit to Peru of the Inter American Human Rights Commission. The Commission is investigating the human rights situation in Peru. **For background to cases, see IFEX alerts of 4 November, 16 September, 2 September, […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – Baruch Ivcher says he has been receiving constant death
threats over the past ten days related to this week’s visit to Peru of the
Inter American Human Rights Commission. The Commission is investigating the
human rights situation in Peru.
**For background to cases, see IFEX alerts of 4 November, 16 September, 2
September, 18 August and 6 July 1998 (Paraíso mattress company case;) 27
October 1998 (adulterating books); 6 November, 15 July, 6 July 1998 and
other 1998 alerts, and 19 September 1997 (Channel 2/citizenship revoked)**
Ivcher, who has been living in Israel while events unfold around the
stripping of his citizenship and ownership of majority shares in the
Frecuencia Latina/Channel 2 television station, told the daily newspaper
“Referendum” that he received the series of calls on his cellular telephone.
In several calls, he was told, between insults and foul language, “You are
responsible for the OAS [Organization of American States] Commission visit,
and for sullying the name of the Armed Forces, Vladimiro Montesinos,
President Fujimori and Congress.” In a subsequent call, Ivcher was told to
withdraw the complaint he’s filed against Peru with the Commission, or else
there would be an attempt on his life “wherever he was.”
Ivcher also fears that, since all the evidence presented in the various
cases against him has not been enough to convict him, there might be a
staged attempt on the life of one of his (Ivcher’s) known enemies in order
to bring murder charges against him.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities below:
responsible be brought to justice
Appeals To
Alberto Fujimori
Lima, Peru
Fax: +511 426 6535José Villanueva Ruesta
Interior Minister
Interior Ministry
Lima, Peru
Fax: +511 475 2441Jorge Santistevan de Noriega
Lima, Peru
Fax: +511 426 7800 or 6657Carlos Ayala
President of the Inter American Human Rights Commission
Fax while in Lima: care of Sheraton Hotel, Lima, +511 3155015Sergio Canton
OAS Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression
Fax while in Lima: care of Sheraton Hotel, Lima, +511 3155015
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.