On April 8, 2012, unknown perpetrators entered the headquarters of Elita TV in Rezina and deliberately damaged or stole technical equipment.
(IPI/IFEX) – VIENNA, April 12, 2012 – The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), condemns the destruction of technical installations of the regional channel Elita TV, based in Rezina, 100 kilometres from Chisinau, Moldova’s capital.
On April 8, 2012, unknown perpetrators entered the headquarters of Elita TV, and deliberately damaged or stole technical equipment.
Elita TV producer Angela Zaharova wrote in a statement published in the daily Timpul, among other media, that “the act of vandalism” was “premeditated”. She linked it to economic problems of the broadcaster.
Founded in 1993, Elita TV broadcasts in five districts, reaching 450,000 viewers.
“I call on the authorities in Rezina and Chisinau to bring to justice the perpetrators,” SEEMO Secretary General Oliver Vujovic said. “Destroying media property is a form of media silencing. Democracy needs freedom of expression.”