The Burmese Parliament has officially dissolved the Press Scrutiny and Registration Division; the decision finalises an August 2012 motion to lift the policy of prior censorship on all publications, a draconian regulation that had been in place since 1964.
(Mizzima News/IFEX) – 25 January 2013 – On Thursday 24 January 2013, the Burmese Parliament officially dissolved the Press Scrutiny and Registration Division (PSRD), according to a report in state-run The New Light of Myanmar.
“The division under the Printing and Publishing Enterprise has stopped functioning since 20 August, 2012, to pave ways for freedom of press. Copyrights and Registration Division will be formed under Information and Public Relations Department,” the report said.
The Cabinet decision finalizes a motion in August to lift the policy of prior censorship on all publications, a draconian regulation that had been in place in Burma since 1964.
In December 2012 it was announced that the publication of private daily newspapers will be allowed in the country starting 1 April 2013, in addition to the state-owned publications.
A second draft of a new media law is currently being rewritten for presentation to Parliament after much delay and wrangling.
Minister for Information Aung Kyi ordered the original be rewritten shortly after he took office in August 2012.