(IPYS/IFEX) – On 10 July 2005, businessman Nelson Tanure, owner of the “Gazeta Mercantil” and “Jornal do Brasil” newspapers, launched legal action against Aziz Filho (president of the Rio de Janeiro Journalists’ Union), Fred Ghedini (president of the São Paulo Journalists’ Union), Murilo Fiuza de Melo (reporter for “Lide” magazine) and Luiz Chaves (president of […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 10 July 2005, businessman Nelson Tanure, owner of the “Gazeta Mercantil” and “Jornal do Brasil” newspapers, launched legal action against Aziz Filho (president of the Rio de Janeiro Journalists’ Union), Fred Ghedini (president of the São Paulo Journalists’ Union), Murilo Fiuza de Melo (reporter for “Lide” magazine) and Luiz Chaves (president of the Rio de Janeiro Metalworkers’ Union) for defamation and insult.
Tanure says he was insulted by a story in “Lide” magazine, published by the Rio journalists’ union. The article highlighted the difficult working conditions imposed on “Jornal do Brasil” employees since Tanure took control of the paper. In the report, Ghedini and Aziz criticised the fact that reporters have to work without legal contracts and basic workers’ rights, such as contributions into the fund that guarantees severance pay.
Ghedini is being prosecuted for stating that “Tanure is one of the biggest media predators in Brazil. He destroys everything he puts his hands on.” In the same story, Chaves added that the businessman was once “the ship-building industry’s biggest enemy. Today, he’s the biggest enemy of the press.” Aziz signed an editorial praising the story.
Attempts to reach Tanure proved unsuccessful. Ghedini preferred not to comment on the case given that he still has not received notification of the legal action. Aziz confirms that he has received a summons. The first hearing is scheduled for 18 July in Rio de Janeiro.
The Rio de Janeiro Journalists’ Union is holding an event on 8 August to raise funds for its legal defence.
The story published by “Lide” is available, in Portuguese, at: http://www.jornalistas.org.br/uploads/lidetanure.zip
This alert was prepared by IPYS with information provided by the Brazilian Investigative Journalism Association (Associação Brasileira de Jornalismo Investigativo, ABRAJI).