Dear All, The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) today releases the fifth edition in its series of “Law Classification” fact sheets. This fact sheet provides an overview of the proposed freedom of information law that was delivered to the National Assembly in March 2012. The fact sheet will soon be available in both Khmer […]
Dear All,
The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) today releases the fifth
edition in its series of “Law Classification” fact sheets.
This fact sheet
provides an overview of the proposed freedom of information law that was
delivered to the National Assembly in March 2012. The fact sheet will soon
be available in both Khmer and English on CCHR’s website at: CCHR Fact
Sheets .
The fact sheet is released together with a new CCHR report on freedom of
information entitled, *Freedom of Information in Cambodia: A right to know
or a culture of secrecy?* The Report looks at the principles of freedom of
information and the extent to which freedom of information is provided for
in the domestic laws of Cambodia. The Report also examines the challenges
ordinary Cambodians face on a daily basis in accessing information using
four areas that CCHR has identified as being particularly important in so
far as freedom of information is concerned – corruption, the media, rule of
law, and resources and land.
We hope that you find the attached fact sheet and Report interesting and
useful. If you have any inquiries about the information presented in either
the fact sheet or the Report, please contact CCHR’s Cambodian Freedom of
Expression Project Coordinator Sorn Ramana at +855 17 655 591 or
Kind regards,
The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) is a non-aligned, independent,
non-governmental organization that works to promote and protect democracy
and respect for human rights throughout Cambodia. For more information,
please visit