(IFJ/IFEX) – In Lima, Peru, the Secretary of International Relations of the Chilean College of Journalists, Paulino Ramirez Quintana, denounced the censorship of Chilean journalist Alejandra Matus Acuna’s publication “El Libro Negro de la Justicia Chilena” (the Black Book of Chilean Justice). The book was confiscated and prohibited from being distributed by Civil Police officials, […]
(IFJ/IFEX) – In Lima, Peru, the Secretary of International Relations of the
Chilean College of Journalists, Paulino Ramirez Quintana, denounced the
censorship of Chilean journalist Alejandra Matus Acuna’s publication “El
Libro Negro de la Justicia Chilena” (the Black Book of Chilean Justice). The
book was confiscated and prohibited from being distributed by Civil Police
officials, after an order of the Chilean Court of Appeals.
**Updates IFEX alerts of 27 April and 15 April 1999**
Ramirez Quintana asked for the solidarity of the National Peruvian
Association of Journalists (ANP) against this action which severely curtails
freedom of expression, a fundamental pillar of democracy and the work of
He added that international expressions of repudiation had been received in
Chile from the Organisation of American States and international
journalists’ organisations.
On 3 May 1999, Ramirez Quintana was scheduled to participate in a freedom of
expression forum organised by the ANP, commemorating World Press Freedom
day, speaking on “censorship in Chile”.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
which is guaranteed by the Chilean Constitution, be respected
Appeals To
Roberto Davila Diaz
Chilean Supreme Court of Justice
Fax: +5 62 695 2144Raul Troncoso
Minister of the Interior
Fax: +5 62 696 7724
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.