(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ is expressing its deep concern about the continued inclusion of a provision guaranteeing the right to “timely, truthful, and impartial information” in the draft constitution of Venezuela. This provision violates international standards for freedom of expression. **Updates IFEX alerts of 26 October and 5 October 1999** The National Constituent Assembly, which was […]
(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ is expressing its deep concern about the continued
inclusion of a provision guaranteeing the right to “timely, truthful, and
impartial information” in the draft constitution of Venezuela. This
provision violates international standards for freedom of expression.
**Updates IFEX alerts of 26 October and 5 October 1999**
The National Constituent Assembly, which was elected on 15 July 1999, and
charged with re-writing Venezuela’s constitution, is expected to submit the
proposed draft to the National Electoral Council next week. A national
referendum on the constitution is scheduled for 15 December.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to the president:
standards prescribed by international law, while respecting the Venezuelan
people’s right to develop their own constitution
represents an attack on press freedom, since the government could
conceivably restrict information it deemed to be untruthful or partisan
Article 19 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that, “Everyone has the
right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to
hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”
Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees the right to freedom of thought
that under
Article 1, all signatories are bound to respect the rights and freedoms
enumerated in the convention
ensure that Venezuela complies with the obligations it has assumed under
international law
international commitments is incorporated into the country’s new
constitution, you would therefore hold His Excellency responsible
constitution upholds, rather than subverts, the basic rights of all
Venezuelans to express their views freely and without fear of reprisal
Appeals To
His Excellency Hugo Chávez Frías
President of the Republic of Venezuela
Oficina del Presidente
Palacio de Miraflores
Caracas, Venezuela
Fax: +58 221 162
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.