(CPJ/IFEX) – In an 11 June 2001 letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin, CPJ expressed deep concern over recent cases in which Vladivostok authorities have harassed media outlets and journalists for political reasons. Specifically, CPJ drew Putin’s attention to the confiscation of the newspaper “Dalyokaya Okrayina” by local police, and to an NTV news broadcast […]
(CPJ/IFEX) – In an 11 June 2001 letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin, CPJ expressed deep concern over recent cases in which Vladivostok authorities have harassed media outlets and journalists for political reasons. Specifically, CPJ drew Putin’s attention to the confiscation of the newspaper “Dalyokaya Okrayina” by local police, and to an NTV news broadcast that showed Vladivostok mayor Yury Kopylov insulting NTV journalists and ordering his bodyguard to assault them.
On 7 June, Vladivostok mayor Yury Kopylov threatened a news crew from the national NTV network with physical harm, local sources reported. NTV was filming Vladivostok officials greeting former governor Yevgeny Nazdratenko at the airport.
Kopylov became irate when he realized that he was being filmed. “Take the tape away from the bearded one!” he yelled. “Did I give you permission to tape me? Get away from here! Tolya, take him away or punch him in the snout!” Kopylov’s bodyguard then forced the crew to stop filming.
The Russian Union of Journalists protested Kopylov’s actions in a letter to Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov, stating that Kopylov had violated the professional rights of the NTV journalists. These rights are protected by Article 29 of the Russian Constitution, Article 47 of the Law on Mass Media, and Article 144 of the Russian Criminal Code.
In a second incident on the evening of 7 June, Vladivostok police officers seized that day’s edition of “Dalyokaya Okrayina”. According to local sources, some twenty police officers raided the Vladivostok post office, preventing the newly printed edition from being loaded into delivery trucks for several hours. Police then confiscated the entire print run of 380,000 copies, local sources said, and took them to a district police station.
Vladimir Gilgenberg, editor-in-chief of “Dalyokaya Okrayina”, said the police did not present a court order authorizing the confiscation, but only referred to supposed verbal orders from Colonel Vladimir Krivoshvili, the Vladivostok chief of police. Krivoshvili apparently acted on a complaint from Sergey Knyazev, chairman of the Regional Election Commission, who alleged that the newspaper had published materials that violated election campaign law.
It appears that “Dalyokaya Okrayina” was targeted for reporting on gubernatorial candidate Sergey Darkin’s alleged links with criminal elements in Vladivostok. The newspaper’s information came from the regional Internal Affairs Administration. Darkin, who is backed by Mayor Kopylov and other prominent local politicians, won the first round of elections on 27 May. He is expected to win the second round of elections on 17 June.
CPJ is concerned about the blatant harassment of journalists and media outlets in Vladivostok. The recent events are particularly disconcerting in light of the ongoing legal persecution of Russian military journalist Grigory Pasko, whose second espionage trial is set to begin on 20 June in a closed Vladivostok military court (see IFEX alerts of 4 June, 30 May and 22 March 2001, 19 December, 27 November and 26 September 2000 and others).
Recommended Action
Send appeals to the president:
– urging him to take all legal measures within his power to ensure that the actions of Kopylov, the Vladivostok police department and the Regional Election Commission are thoroughly investigated, given his frequent statements in support of press freedom
– asking that appropriate measures are taken to discourage future recurrence of these actions
– requesting that Pasko be fully acquitted of the charges against him, since his reports exposing environmental hazards were in the public interest
– calling on him to ensure that Vladivostok officials do not employ similar tactics against journalists covering the Pasko trial
Appeals To
His Excellency Vladimir Putin
President of the Russian Federation
The Kremlin
Moscow, Russia
Fax: +7 095 206 5173/206 6277
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.