Cyprus: Proposed legislative amendment to criminalise ‘fake news’

Recent articles in Cyprus

EMFA: Seven EU member states want to legalise spying on journalists

A recent report shows that France, Italy, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, Sweden, and Finland want to legalise spying on journalists in the event of a threat to national security.

A member of the Cyprus national police stands guard at the entrance of the headquarters of Sigma TV, in Nicosia, 18 July 2021, after protesters against Covid-19 measures attacked the premises, ETIENNE TORBEY/AFP via Getty Images

Cyprus: TV station in Nicosia attacked by crowd protesting COVID measures

Groups of protesters against mandatory vaccination clashed with police and broke into the DIAS media group building that houses Sigma TV. The mob attacked staff, set cars in the parking lot on fire and trashed the offices.

Cyprus: Pipe-bomb attack on news agency

The bomb exploded at the entrance to the agency in the early hours of 4 March. No injuries were reported and police are currently investigating to establish whether the motive for the attack was related to news coverage.