(IPYS/IFEX) – According to IPYS, the Constitutional Commission of Congress has not yet managed to gather the necessary quorum to debate the bill brought by the President of Congress, Carlos Torres y Torres Lara, which would guarantee journalists the right to freely exercise their profession without being licensed. On 2 March 1998, however, another member […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – According to IPYS, the Constitutional Commission of Congress
has not yet managed to gather the necessary quorum to debate the bill
brought by the President of Congress, Carlos Torres y Torres Lara, which
would guarantee journalists the right to freely exercise their profession
without being licensed. On 2 March 1998, however, another member of
Congress, Helbert Salamavides Dongo (C90-NM), presented an opposing bill
which would require journalists to be licensed. A spokesman for the
President of Congress said in a statement to the newspaper “Expreso”:
“Torres Lara has made a political decision and a commitment to promote his
bill.” The spokesman said it is likely that Torres Lara’s legislative
initiative will not be required to go through the committees procedures, if
the Constitutional Commission over which Enrique Chirinos Soto (Renovacion)
presides does not hold an extraordinatry meeting to issue an opinion,” he said.
**Updates IFEX alerts of 27 and 16 February 1998**
Salmavides defends the second article of his bill, which states: “the
exercise of the profession of journalist is reserved for licensed
journalists. Any illegal practice of the profession will be met with
appropriate criminal sanctions.” Reliable Congressional sources comment that
Salmavides’ bill may be a “move” on the part of “hardline” congress members
allied with the National Intelligence System (el Sistema de Inteligencia
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
the freedom to exercise the journalistic profession and respects freedom of
the press in Peru
Appeals To
Carlos Torres y Torres Lara
President of Congress
Fax: +511 4265053
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.