Editor Tiegboro Camara, who was reportedly detained on the orders of Major Moussa Tiegbro, was released unconditionally.
(MFWA/IFEX) – Tiegboro Camara, editor of “Le Confidentiel”, a privately-owned Conakry-based weekly newspaper, who was reportedly detained on the orders of Major Moussa Tiegbro, a member of the ruling National Council for Democracy and Development (CNDD), was released unconditionally on 11 August 2009.
Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)’s correspondent reported that during his 48-hour illegal detention, Camara was denied visitors and was also not told of the reasons for his arrest and subsequent detention.
Camara was arrested on the morning of 9 August, immediately after he had challenged Major Tiegbro on Nostalgie FM over a group of suspects allegedly manufacturing dangerous chemicals. Camara said on the radio that contrary to the commander’s claim, the chemicals were not dangerous.
In another development, on 13 August, the eve of the second anniversary of Nostalgie FM, a contingent of heavily armed red berets picked up the radio station’s director-general, Souhel Hajjar. He was held for about six hours at the dreaded Koundara military camp in Conakry.
According to the MFWA correspondent, Souhel’s arrest was in connection with a complaint filed by a Guinean citizen over a disputed building that housed the radio station.