On 11 April 2009, "Ideal" newspaper editor-in-chief Ali Hasanov was released from prison #5.
(IRFS/IFEX) – On 11 April 2009, “Ideal” newspaper editor-in-chief Ali Hasanov was released from prison #5. Ali Hasanov told the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) that his health is normal. Hasanov emphasized that the most important thing for him to do now is continue his scientific work, adding that he wants to go back to Azerbaijan’s National Science Academy Folklore Institute.
The editor-in-chief said that he translated the epic “Altun Arik” into the Azeri language and this is a first in Azerbaijani cultural history. Hasanov stated that he neither wants to work at “Ideal” newspaper nor collaborate with the newspaper in any way.
Hasanov was accused under articles 147.2 and 148 of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic and was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment on 14 November 2008. He was released early in connection with the amnesty act signed on 17 March 2009.