Billy Knock, editor-in-chief of the satirical weekly “Le Kpakpa Desenchante” was interrogated on 2 June 1995 by police with the Research and Investigation Service. At 6:30 a.m., five police arrived at his house and constrained him after a brief altercation, and using their weapons to threaten him they took him to the police station. It […]
Billy Knock, editor-in-chief of the satirical weekly “Le Kpakpa
Desenchante” was interrogated on 2 June 1995 by police with the
Research and Investigation Service. At 6:30 a.m., five police
arrived at his house and constrained him after a brief
altercation, and using their weapons to threaten him they took
him to the police station. It appears that the police acted
without a warrant. Colonel Lackpessi explained the motive of
their “muscular” meeting by criticizing an article published the
preceding week in issue 182 of “Kpakpa Desenchante” entitled
“Vogan: the untouchable police” which called into question police
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities in Togo:
Knock is a form of harassment contrary to the principle of
freedom of the press
force, especially for the process of questioning
victimized by these measures of intimidation
Appeals To
Prime Minister Edem Kodjo
Primature, Lome, Togo
His Excellency General Gnassingbe Eyadema
President of the Republic of Togo
Presidential Palace
Avenue de la Marina
Lome, Togo
Fax: +228 21 20 40 or +228 21 08 50
Please copy appeals to the originator if possible.