Finnish photojournalist Markus Pentikäinen has been granted an appeal hearing relating to the violation of his freedom of expression. Pentikäinen’s was convicted in Finland for allegedly defying police orders when they attempted to clear a demonstration against the Asia-Europe Meeting in 2006.
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have welcomed the decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to grant an appeal hearing in the case brought by Finnish photojournalist Markus Pentikäinen relating to the violation of his freedom of expression.
According to a media release issued by the ECHR yesterday, Tuesday 3 June, a panel of five judges has referred the case of PENTIKÄINEN v. FINLAND to the Court’s Grand Chamber.
The detailed request for the referral to the Grand Chamber had been sent at the beginning of May by IFJ/EFJ’s Finnish affiliate, the Union of Journalists in Finland (UJF). The case concerns Pentikäinen’s prosecution and conviction in Finland for allegedly defying police orders when they attempted to clear a demonstration against the Asia-Europe Meeting (Asem) in 2006. Read more about the case background.
In a letter of support sent to the ECHR Grand Chamber in early May, the IFJ and EFJ backed the UJF request for the appeal hearing to be granted, while also asking the chamber to carry out a review of the case based on the facts and arguments laid out in the UJF’s official request.
Signed by IFJ President Jim Boumelha and EFJ President Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, the letter stated: “We believe that there is sufficient evidence showing the violation of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights in this case.”
Following the hugely positive decision to refer the case, the IFJ/EFJ have congratulated the UJF and commended their tireless work to support their colleague, Markus Pentikäinen, and their commitment to press freedom and freedom of expression.