(RSF/IFEX) – Twenty leading European online news sites have rallied to join RSF in support of colleagues in Iran, as a fifth journalist was arrested on 18 October 2004 in a crackdown on online media. The 20 European websites have called for the release of Shahram Rafihzadeh, Hanif Mazroi, Rozbeh Mir Ebrahimi, Omid Memarian and […]
(RSF/IFEX) – Twenty leading European online news sites have rallied to join RSF in support of colleagues in Iran, as a fifth journalist was arrested on 18 October 2004 in a crackdown on online media. The 20 European websites have called for the release of Shahram Rafihzadeh, Hanif Mazroi, Rozbeh Mir Ebrahimi, Omid Memarian and Javad Gholam Tamayomi.
“We want to demonstrate our solidarity with our Iranian colleagues, imprisoned simply for doing their jobs,” the media outlets said in a statement. “At a time when the Internet has become one of the main sources of news, protecting online journalists and publications is the key to defending press freedom.”
On 18 October, Javad Gholam Tamayomi, a journalist with the daily “Mardomsalari” (“Democracy”), was arrested after responding to a summons from the Ninth Chamber of the Tehran Prosecutor’s Office.
Memarian, a journalist and weblog creator, was arrested on 10 October.
Rafihzadeh, cultural editor of the newspaper “Etemad” (“Confidence”), was arrested on 7 September.
Hanif Mazroi, a former journalist with several reformist publications, was arrested on 8 September.
Rozbeh Mir Ebrahimi, a former political editor of “Etemad”, was arrested at his home on 27 September.
The five journalists are accused of contributing to reformist news websites. In the past few months, the regime has also tightened Internet filtering, blocking access to several dozen online publications and political weblogs.
In a country where television, radio and newspapers are heavily censored, the Internet is, despite censorship, the only source of independent news and information.
For a full summary of freedom of expression on the Internet in Iran, see the RSF report “Internet Under Surveillance at http://www.rsf.org/article.php3?id_article=10733
List of online publications taking part in the campaign:
In France: Courrierinternational.com, lefigaro.fr, lemonde.fr, nouvelobs.com, lexpress.fr and telerama.fr
In Spain: elpais.es, elmundo.es, abc.es, larazon.es, lavanguardia.es, elperiodico.com, periodistas-es.org and pressnetweb.com
In Germany: dw-world.de, netzeitung.de, politik-digital.de spiegel.de, sueddeutsche.de and telepolis.de
In Italy: internazionale.it