The last year has seen many advances and some setbacks to the right to information, says ARTICLE 19.
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – 28 September 2010 – In 2010 the right to information has been realised for five billion people and growing. Marking Right to Know Day 2010, ARTICLE 19 summarises developments over the past year while its offices around the world hold events and publish reports.
This week, ARTICLE 19 offices and staff are participating in events in eight countries including Bangladesh, Kenya and Mexico to celebrate Right to Know Day 2010 and to promote the right to information around the world (RTI).
The last year has seen much advancement and some setbacks to RTI. Several countries have adopted new laws and others have adopted amendments to improve laws and constitutions. Over 90 countries representing nearly five billion people have now adopted laws or national regulations on RTI.
However, over half the countries of the world have not yet adopted RTI laws and many that have done so have failed to implement them adequately. There have also been efforts in several countries to weaken laws.