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Voici une liste de fonds et ressources compilée par le Secrétariat de l’IFEX. (Veuillez noter que le Secrétariat de l’IFEX n’assume aucune responsabilité à l’égard de ces liens.)
Fonds de secours
- Comité international de la Croix-Rouge hotline pour les journalistes en mission dangereuse (Contactez tel: +41792173285 ou email: press (@) icrc.org)
- Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) – Journalist Assistance page
- Free Press Unlimited – Reporters Respond fund
- Freedom House – Emergency Assistance Programs
- Fédération Internationale des Journalistes – Fonds d’entraide
- International Media Support – Safety Fun
- Media Legal Defence Initiative (MLDI)
- PEN International – Emergency Fund for writers (contact info (@) pen-international.org, tel: +44 (0) 207 405 0338)
- Prisoners of Conscience – Appeal Fund
- Reporters sans frontières (RSF) – Assistance (contactez assistance (@) rsf.org)
- Scholar Rescue Fund
- Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights
Bourses de recherche/Bourses d’études
- Alfred Friendly Press Partners – Daniel Pearl Fellowship (United States)
- Human Rights Watch Fellowships in International Human Rights (United States – For recent graduates of law schools or graduate programs in journalism, international relations etc.)
- Humphrey Fellowship Program Journalism Fellowships (US State Department sponsorships – open to journalists worldwide)
- International Womens Media Foundation (IWMF) Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship (Takes place in the United States)
- International Writers Project Fellowship at Brown University
- IREX – scholarship opportunities
- Knight International Journalism Fellowships from the International Centre for Journalists (ICFJ) (International)
- Open Society Grants, Scholarships and Fellowships (Fellowships for journalists, activists, scholars, and practitioners)
- Scholars at Risk Network– New York University (United States)