**Further to IFEX alert update of 17 November 1997. Updates alerts of 28 and 21 October, 29 August, 1 July 1997 and others** (WiPC/IFEX) In the following update, WIPC provides further information on Wei’s health and action recommendations regarding his exile and the situation of other prisoners. “The Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN […]
**Further to IFEX alert update of 17 November 1997. Updates
alerts of 28 and 21 October, 29 August, 1 July 1997 and others**
(WiPC/IFEX) In the following update, WIPC provides further
information on Wei’s health and action recommendations regarding
his exile and the situation of other prisoners.
“The Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN welcomes
the news that Honorary PEN member Wei Jingsheng has been
released. It remains concerned, however, that he has been forced
into exile and that dozens of other writers continue to languish
in prisons and reeducation camps.
“On the week-end of November 15 and 16, 1997 (coincidentally the
week-end that International PENCenters around the world marked
the Day of the Imprisoned Writer) Wei Jingsheng was released and
immediately put on a aeroplane to the United States. He is now
receiving medical treatment in Detroit for heart trouble, high
blood pressure, rotting gums and other ailments caused or
exacerbated by his more than seventeen years in detention.
“PEN has monitored Wei’s case since his first arrest in 1979,
when he came to the fore during that year’s Democracy Wall
movement as the editor of `Exploration’ and a leading champion of
democratic reform. He is an Honorary Member of six PEN Centers.
“Wei had always sworn not to leave the People’s Republic, but his
family say that the poor state of his health left him no choice
but to go abroad. PEN is concerned that, as has happened
frequently with China’s dissidents in the past, Wei’s exile is a
condition of his release. It calls on the Chinese authorities to
grant Wei full freedom of movement and to ensure that, when his
health improves, he be allowed to return to China if this is what
he so wishes.
“PEN also remains concerned that dozens of Wei’s colleagues
continue to be held, often in conditions that are extremely
harsh. Throughout the People’s Republic, Inner Mongolia, and
Tibet, PEN records 36 writers, publishers, and journalists as
being detained for no other reason than the expression of their
views. A further 32 cases are under investigation. Furthermore,
reports of writers being beaten by other inmates or being
deprived of adequate medical care are received by PEN with
disturbing frequency.
“International PEN therefore welcomes the release of Wei
Jingsheng as a first step towards allowing greater freedom of
expression in the People’s Republic of China. However, it
impresses upon the Chinese authorities that this step must be
followed rapidly by other demonstrations of its willingness to
meet international human rights standards, such as the release of
all other writers and journalists detained merely because of
their views and the abandonment of forced exile as a mechanism
for repressing dissent.”
Recommended Action
Send appeals to the Prime Minister:
release of other writers and journalists detained for their views
movement and to ensure that, when his health improves, he be
allowed to return to China if this is what he so wishes
Appeals To
Premier Li Peng
Office of the Premier
Guowuyan 9
Beijingshi 100032
P.R. of China
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.