Government’s retaliatory withdrawal of advertising contracts, abrupt cancellation of subsidy, costs “Royal Gazette” $825,000

This article is more than 16 years old

Recent articles in Bermuda (United Kingdom)

Link to: Media announce plans for self-regulatory council

Media announce plans for self-regulatory council

IPI calls on government to revoke bill proposing statutory media regulation.

Link to: Flawed media bill infringes on press freedom, says IPI

Flawed media bill infringes on press freedom, says IPI

If enacted, the bill will have a detrimental impact on the media environment in Bermuda as well as the reputation of the Bermudan government, IPI stressed.

Link to: ARTICLE 19 analyses right to information bill

ARTICLE 19 analyses right to information bill

ARTICLE 19 welcomes efforts to recognise the right to information in Bermuda and notes both positive features and concerns it has with the bill.