Vladimir Jara, a court reporter for the daily “ABC Color”, has been the target of intimidation in the past few weeks. On two separate occasions, unidentified individuals entered his apartment; however, the door showed no signs of having been forced. On the first occasion, an “X” was inscribed on a picture of Jara which was […]
Vladimir Jara, a court reporter for the daily “ABC Color”, has
been the target of intimidation in the past few weeks. On two
separate occasions, unidentified individuals entered his
apartment; however, the door showed no signs of having been
forced. On the first occasion, an “X” was inscribed on a picture
of Jara which was left behind. Security groups are presumed
responsible. As well, Jara’s wife has received death threats by
telephone, while the home of her parents has reportedly been
A delegation consisting of Jara, his family, as well as
Paraguayan Journalists Union Secretary General Susana Oviedo met
with Minister of Interior Juan Manuel Morales urging him to take
measures to protect the lives of the journalist and his family.
Jara’s journalistic investigations are centred on exposing a
series of incidents which could end up casting doubt on the work
of certain police officials.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
responsible be punished
Appeals To
Juan Manuel Morales
Minister of the Interior
Ministry of the Interior
Fax: +595 21 446 448
Please copy appeals to the originator if possible.