Has Ireland reintroduced criminal libel?

This article is more than 10 years old

Recent articles in Ireland

Heritage Minister Jimmy Deenihan arrives at the launch of an online selection of digital documents, in the National Archives, Dublin., Brian Lawless/PA Wire/Associated Press

Ireland: Expansion of fees for freedom of information requests unjustified

ARTICLE 19 strongly opposes the current Irish policy allowing for imposition of fees for making requests as well as the pending bill before the Dail to expand fees by allowing requests to be split and charged for each facet.

Link to: ISP introduces “graduated response” leading to disconnection for illegal downloaders

ISP introduces “graduated response” leading to disconnection for illegal downloaders

Suspected illegal downloaders will be contacted twice by phone, mail or e-mail and if they are caught a fourth time, their connection will be suspended for a year.

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ARTICLE 19 expresses concern at new attempts to legitimise religious defamation using principles of blasphemy

Pakistan’s submissions on defamation of religions adopted the exact wording of Irish legislation on blasphemous libel.