“I will get out of here eventually”: A conversation with journalist and political prisoner José Rubén Zamora

Recent articles in Guatemala

Guatemalan journalist receives prestigious award from prison

Zamora is a symbol of the persecution against journalists in Guatemala and the region.

CPJ urges Guatemalan authorities to release José Rubén Zamora, allow fair trial

CPJ urged Guatemala’s judiciary to grant house arrest to José Rubén Zamora after nearly two years in solitary confinement and to give him the chance to prove his innocence in court.

Guatemala: RSF advocacy mission highlights urgent need for the release of Jose Rubén Zamora as a priority for the new government

The imprisonment of journalist and founder of the newspaper ‘elPeriódico’, Jose Rubén Zamora – also a 2023 laureate of RSF’s Press Freedom Prize – has become a flagrant and unavoidable emblem of the press freedom situation in Guatemala.