In 2023, we began exploring the state of collaboration within the IFEX network to understand how we could strengthen our connections and work better together. We focused on identifying the barriers to respectful and beneficial relationships, and the conditions that foster real, organic collaboration between our members.
After conducting 39 interviews within the freedom of expression and information (FoE&I) ecosystem, we realised that we needed to expand our initial scope – more work was called for around the issue of collaboration. The IFEX Collaboration Project was born.

Collaboration Code Report
A report based on the 39 interviews within the FoE&I ecosystem, identifying barriers and enablers to collaboration between civil society organizations (CSOs) and with donors, and providing key findings and recommendations to inform IFEX’s strategic planning process.
IFEX Collaboration Principles
Based on the findings of the Collaboration Code report, the IFEX Collaboration Principles provide a practical framework, centred on the IFEX mission and values, to guide members in fostering genuine, effective collaboration and overcoming challenges through reflection, trust and open experimentation.

IFEX collaboration tools: Checklists for CSOs
This resource is an invitation to practise internal assessment and action planning about how we work together. Understanding that each collaboration opportunity and context are unique, it is not prescriptive; however, it provides practical reflection points around how partnerships are conceived, implemented, and mediated.