In a welcome move, Indian media will finally be allowed to cover court proceedings in a December 2012 rape case that shook India's conscience.
UPDATE from CPJ: Objection to international press at Indian rape trial (25 April 2013)
The following is a CPJ Blog post by Sumit Galhotra, CPJ Steiger Fellow:
In a welcome move, Indian media will finally be allowed to cover court proceedings in the rape case that shook India’s conscience. On Friday 22 March 2013, the Delhi High Court lifted a gag order on media covering the ongoing trial of those accused of the gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old student in Delhi in December.
Prior to Friday’s court order, reporters have had to rely on limited details from lawyers involved in the case, which meant the information was not always reliable.
“The lifting of the gag should translate to more scrutiny of the investigation,” Geeta Seshu, consulting editor for The Hoot, a South Asian media watchdog, told CPJ.