
Threats, harassment, assaults, and worse – intimidation as a means of suppressing free expression.

6683 articles
Link to: Journalist killed in suicide blasts in Kohat

Journalist killed in suicide blasts in Kohat

Reporter Azmat Ali Bangash was killed along with 41 other people when two suicide bombers blew themselves up amidst a crowd of displaced persons collecting relief supplies.

Link to: One cameraman dead, several others injured in Quetta suicide bomb

One cameraman dead, several others injured in Quetta suicide bomb

TV crews and journalists were covering a Shiite demonstration after the assassination of a prominent local Shiite bank manager, who had been taken to a Quetta hospital earlier.

Link to: Sixth journalist killed since start of year, robbery ruled out

Sixth journalist killed since start of year, robbery ruled out

Radio W105 presenter Luis Antonio Chévez Hernández was gunned down in San Pedro Sula.

Link to: IFJ concerned by threats to Khuzdar journalists

IFJ concerned by threats to Khuzdar journalists

The threats were allegedly issued by the Baloch Musallah Difah Tanzeem (BMDT), a separatist organisation angered by local journalists’ coverage of nationalist parties and politics.

Link to: Journalist shot in Guatemala City

Journalist shot in Guatemala City

Felipe Valenzuela was shot in the head during an attempted car robbery, but CERIGUA is not ruling out the possibility that the attack was related to his work as a journalist.

Link to: Urgent need for Parliament to debate protection of journalists bill, says RSF

Urgent need for Parliament to debate protection of journalists bill, says RSF

In a recent incident, Al-Hurra TV correspondent Munir Assa’d survived a murder attempt when gunmen threw a grenade at him in Mosul on 5 April 2010.

Link to: Journalists, newspapers subject to smear campaign

Journalists, newspapers subject to smear campaign

The Guatemala City mayor is allegedly behind the campaign to discredit three journalists and two newspapers after the journalists reported on irregularities in the way transit passes are issued.

Link to: A fourth journalist goes missing in Michoacán State

A fourth journalist goes missing in Michoacán State

Ramón Ángeles Zalpa, a a correspondent for the local newspaper “Cambio de Michoacán”, was last seen on 6 April 2010.

Link to: Palestinian journalists repeatedly targeted by IDF gunfire in March

Palestinian journalists repeatedly targeted by IDF gunfire in March

At least eight journalists were injured by shots fired by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank and Jerusalem, says RSF.

Link to: Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China website under attack

Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China website under attack

The FCCC said that it shut down its website because of denial-of-service attacks, and that the attacks apparently came from computers within China and in the United States.


Journalist gunned down in North Kivu province

Patient Chebeya Bankome, better known as ‘Montigomo’, was shot dead at his home in Béni by three armed men in military uniform.

Link to: Japanese journalist reported kidnapped

Japanese journalist reported kidnapped

Kosuke Tsuneoka had been covering the Taliban in Afghanistan and was last heard of in the northern city of Kunduz.

Link to: Newspaper’s offices attacked with Molotov cocktails

Newspaper’s offices attacked with Molotov cocktails

The owner of “Leia o Jornal” believes that the mayor of Barueri, Rubens Furlan, was behind the attack.

Link to: Journalist’s car set on fire

Journalist’s car set on fire

After this incident and a previous attack in 2007, radio journalist Adela Gómez is now considering leaving journalism.

Link to: Grenade blasts at two television stations injure 11 people

Grenade blasts at two television stations injure 11 people

Authorities say the bombings are the worst since the Red Shirts started their protest rallies two weeks ago.