Freedom of Assembly

Your right to come together with other individuals to collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests.

1564 articles

In preparing for protests, are campuses in the United States going too far?

“All too often, universities have appeared to be enacting double standards, clamping down on pro-Palestinian speech more than speech on other issues.”

Irangabiye released, protests expose fissures and spark new tactics and an online war exposes misogyny and xenophobia

August 2024 in Africa: A free expression and civic space round-up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Reyhana Masters, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.

South Asia in focus: Youth-led uprising, women’s rights crisis, and internet disruption

August 2024 in South Asia: A free expression and civic space round-up produced by IFEX’s regional editor Mong Palatino, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.

IFEX urges the interim government to launch an investigation into the attacks and killings of journalists during protests in Bangladesh

It is vital that the interim government commits to establishing democratic governance and to protecting and promoting human rights. This includes investigating the attacks on journalists and holding perpetrators accountable to prevent a culture of impunity.

State repression intensifies in post-elections Venezuela, dangerous legislative changes in Uruguay

August in the Americas: A free expression and civic space round-up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Laura Vidal, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.

Political prisoners, censorship in libraries, and four years of repression

August 2024 in Europe and Central Asia: A free expression round-up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Cathal Sheerin, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.

At least 55 governments have used mobility controls against dissidents in the last decade

Authoritarians use a variety of travel restrictions to make life harder for dissidents at home and in exile. Democratic countries that host exiles can do more to defend their freedom of movement and ensure their safety.

Iran: Alarming surge in executions

87 executions reported after June’s presidential elections, including 29 in one day.

Venezuela: RSF counts 70 violations of press freedom in 15 days

Both national and foreign journalists face a climate of hostility and repression, marked by arbitrary arrests, threats, physical attacks, censorship and restrictions on information access. RSF strongly condemns these violations and demands immediate restoration of journalists’ rights.

Eswatini’s Supreme Court retains repressive provisions of terrorism laws

By overturning a High Court decision declaring several provisions of the country’s two terrorism laws invalid, eSwatini’s judiciary is reinforcing the authorities’ tendency to rule by tyranny.

Georgia: Accountability needed for violent attacks on government critics

“A pattern of harassment and intimidation of activists, independent media, and government critics, if left unpunished, risks emboldening malicious actors to escalate violence in the months before Georgia’s upcoming elections” – HRW

Spain: Media freedom coalition calls for end to repressive “Gag Law”

“Democratic regeneration” reforms proposed by PM Sánchez fail to address the urgent need to repeal the infamous Citizen Security law, nicknamed the “Gag Law”.

Vietnamese activist sentenced to five years in prison for ‘anti-state propaganda’

Anh Chi is known for producing videos decrying abuse of power by authorities.

Pakistan: Concerns over censorship and other restrictions on freedom of expression in Balochistan

Authorities accused of censoring reports on violent crackdowns targeting protests in Pakistan’s Balochistan province.

Afghanistan: Report on the state of media after three years of Taliban rule

The Afghanistan Journalists Center recorded 181 incidents of press freedom violations over the past year.

Hosting of UN climate summits by authoritarian countries raises alarms over human rights

Rights groups urge the UN to ensure that future climate summits are held in countries that respect human rights and allow for peaceful assembly and free speech.