Gender and Sexual Diversity

All of our free expression rights and realities are gendered, reflecting global themes of inequality and intolerance for diversity.

865 articles
Link to: Journalist and human rights defender threatened with sexual violence

Journalist and human rights defender threatened with sexual violence

Dina Meza Elvir, a journalist and human rights defender with the Committee of Relatives of the Disappeared in Honduras, has receiving threatening telephone calls and text messages.

Link to: Journalist Mae Azango moves a nation

Journalist Mae Azango moves a nation

Azango told CPJ today that she is moving more freely but that she was still assessing the situation as her safety is still not guaranteed.

Link to: RSF report marking International Women’s Day

RSF report marking International Women’s Day

To mark International Women’s Day, RSF releases a report on the problems facing women who work as journalists.

Link to: CJFE celebrates women journalists on International Women’s Day

CJFE celebrates women journalists on International Women’s Day

CJFE is celebrating the centenary of International Women’s Day by highlighting the work of four female journalists who have courageously worked under difficult and often dangerous conditions.

Link to: International Women’s Day – celebrating women’s voices and courage

International Women’s Day – celebrating women’s voices and courage

ARTICLE 19 dedicates International Women’s Day to courageous women from across the regions who have spoken out against oppression and inequality.

The women of ATFD with flowers from the IFEX-TMG on 10 December

IFEX-TMG members celebrate International Women’s Day with brave women of Tunisia

IFEX-TMG members commend brave women journalists, activists, lawyers and judges who have never stopped calling for greater freedom of expression.

Link to: ARTICLE 19 report says women journalists subjected to censorship, slanderous attack

ARTICLE 19 report says women journalists subjected to censorship, slanderous attack

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is a 6 March 2009 ARTICLE 19 press release: Yemen: Women Journalists Subjected to Censorship and Slanderous Attack ARTICLE 19 marks International Women’s Day on 8 March with the release of a report analysing the role and representation of women in the Yemeni media. It is not easy to be […]

Link to: Egyptian rights organisations outraged over publication of advertisement “defaming the name and reputation” of Tunisian activist

Egyptian rights organisations outraged over publication of advertisement “defaming the name and reputation” of Tunisian activist

(ANHRI/IFEX) – The following is a 30 December 2008 press release by ANHRI, the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) and other Egyptian human rights organisations: Shame on Rosa Al Yousef: Defamation of Tunisian journalist and human rights activist Cairo, 30 December 2008 The undersigned Egyptian human rights organizations express outrage at the actions […]

Link to: Bookstore chain blocks sales of book about Catholic Church abuses

Bookstore chain blocks sales of book about Catholic Church abuses

(CEPET/IFEX) – Journalist and author Sanjuana Martínez Montemayor has said that the Samborns bookstore chain, which is owned by powerful businessman Carlos Slim and is one of the most popular bookstores in Mexico, has blocked the sale of two books in which she documented cases of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in Mexico. Martínez […]

Link to: Six-month prison sentences handed down to four cyber-feminists

Six-month prison sentences handed down to four cyber-feminists

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF is outraged over the six-month prison sentences which a Tehran court has handed down to four cyber-feminists, Parvin Ardalan, Jelveh Javaheri, Maryam Hosseinkhah and Nahid Keshavarz, on charges of “publishing information against the government” under Article 500 of the Islamic Criminal Code. The four, who are still free pending the outcome of […]

Link to: Writer imprisoned, he and publisher facing other charges, over book on women’s suffering

Writer imprisoned, he and publisher facing other charges, over book on women’s suffering

(Antenna-TR/IFEX) – A writer has been imprisoned over a book about women, and he and his publisher are also facing additional charges over the same book. Two sets of criminal charges were filed over the book “Language of Suffering: Woman”, written by Murat Coskun and published by Peri publishers in January 2002. One of the […]

Link to: Female film director faces possible flogging at behest of lawyer affiliated with National Democratic Party

Female film director faces possible flogging at behest of lawyer affiliated with National Democratic Party

(ANHRI/IFEX) – One of the lawyers affiliated with the Egyptian National Democratic Party (NDP) who is a specialist in “Hesba” cases (which involve alleged insults to God, which are deemed harmful to Islamic society) against authors and artists has demanded the flogging of an Egyptian female movie director. He sent an official warning to the […]

Link to: Human rights media agency raided, documents stolen

Human rights media agency raided, documents stolen

(ARTICLE 19/CENCOS/IFEX) – During the weekend of 26-27 July 2008, unidentified individuals broke into the offices of CIMAC (Comunicación e Información de la Mujer), a Mexico City-based non-govermental organisation that reports on women’s issues through the “Cimacnoticias” news agency. The assailants stole some of the organisation’s equipment and destroyed a number of documents. CIMAC editor […]

Link to: Journalists assaulted, newspaper’s circulation impeded, following coverage of Chosica mayor’s alleged sexual abuse of employees

Journalists assaulted, newspaper’s circulation impeded, following coverage of Chosica mayor’s alleged sexual abuse of employees

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 15 July 2008, municipal workers in Chosica threatened and hurled insults at journalists Raúl Vento, Roxana Rivera and Elizabeth Salinas, of the “Conoeste” weekly newspaper, as they were handing out copies of the 13 July edition of the daily “El Comercio”. “El Comercio”‘s 13 July edition contained witness testimonies accusing the municipality’s […]

Link to: Journalist threatened and harassed by regional president and his supporters

Journalist threatened and harassed by regional president and his supporters

(IPYS/IFEX) – Journalist Gudelia Gálvez Tafur, a reporter and host for Panamericana Televisión’s regional news programme “24 Horas”, reports that since the end of May 2008 she has received threats and been harassed by Áncash’s regional president, César Álvarez Aguilar, and his supporters. The incidents took place in the city of Huaraz, in northwestern Perú. […]

Link to: Women Writing Under Surveillance in China

Women Writing Under Surveillance in China

Women Writing Under Surveillance in China