(IPYS/IFEX) – Baruch Ivcher, his wife Neomy Even and their oldest daughter Michal Ivcher – along with the television station’s former managers: Julio Sotelo, Alberto Cabello and Benjamín Lazo Cieza – will be sentenced for supposed irregularities in the transfer of Frecuencia Latina – Channel 2 shares. The court case is scheduled for Friday, 16 […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – Baruch Ivcher, his wife Neomy Even and their oldest daughter
Michal Ivcher – along with the television station’s former managers: Julio
Sotelo, Alberto Cabello and Benjamín Lazo Cieza – will be sentenced for
supposed irregularities in the transfer of Frecuencia Latina – Channel 2
shares. The court case is scheduled for Friday, 16 April 1999 at 12:30 p.m.
(local time), and will be held in the Court specializing in Taxation
Offences, presided by judge Nicolás Trujillo Lopez.
**Updates IFEX alert of 22 March 1999; for background on other cases against
Ivcher see IFEX alerts of 18 February 1999, 17 December, 9 November, 4
November, 27 October, 16 September, 2 September, 18 August, 15 July 1998 and
various other alerts**
Ivcher and his family are charged with misappropriation, acting against the
public faith and fraud in having administered a legal entity, causing injury
to the television station’s minority shareholders. The former managers are
charged with adulteration of the Channel 2 Shares’ Registry and Transfer
Book, in favour of Ivcher’s daughters, and causing injury to Channel 2’s
current administrators.
For these crimes, prosecutor Hilda Valladares has asked for ten years
imprisonment for Ivcher. She has asked that Neomy Even, Michal Ivcher,
Julio Sotelo, Alberto Cabello and Benjamín Lazo be sentenced to eight years
in prison.
According to Frecuencia Latina’s lawyer, Alfonso Valencia, the transfer of
the shares is considered illegal because it was not communicated to the
minority shareholders who, Valencia affirms, have preference rights in
acquiring shares in accordance with the company’s statutes.
In contrast, Ivcher’s defense argues that the transfer of shares was carried
out according to the law, as it was an advance between family members (in
anticipation of an inheritance) from the businessman to his four daughters,
Michal, Dafna, Tal and Hadaz, and not a sale of shares as is alleged.
Ivcher is currently facing five legal actions in Peru on a variety of
criminal charges. There is a detention order out against him and he is
considered to be in willful disobedience of a court order (see IFEX alerts).
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
Appeals To
Alberto Fujimori Fujimori
President of the Republic
Lima, Peru
Fax: +51 1 426 6535María Carlota Valenzuela
Minister of Justice
Lima, Peru
Fax: +51 1 422 3577Víctor Raúl Castillo Castillo
President of the Peru Supreme Court of Justice
Lima, Peru
Fax: +51 1 426 8851Miguel Aljovín Swayne
Attorney General
Lima, Peru
Fax: +51 1 426 1523
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.