(IPYS/IFEX) – Chancellor Fernando de Trazegnies confirmed that the order for Baruch Ivcher’s capture, a request for which had been made to Interpol, has been “suspended”. He said that the government put into effect this suspension at the request of the businessman’s lawyers. However he pointed out that it had not been possible to reach […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – Chancellor Fernando de Trazegnies confirmed that the order for
Baruch Ivcher’s capture, a request for which had been made to Interpol, has
been “suspended”. He said that the government put into effect this
suspension at the request of the businessman’s lawyers. However he pointed
out that it had not been possible to reach a full agreement because they had
also asked the government to intervene in legal matters, “which is
inappropriate as the judiciary is autonomous”.
**Updates IFEX alerts of 9 April, 6 April, 22 March and 9 March 1999**
Trazegnies maintained that the decision of the Inter American Human Rights
Court “will be respected, unless, of course it is outrageous.”