(Periodistas/IFEX) – PERIODISTAS is expressing its indignation over the cowardly assault of journalist Daniel Tognetti, of the television programme Caiga Quien Caiga (CQC). Tognetti was assaulted at dawn on 17 October 1999, following a gathering held by the Partido Justicialista political party in the Plaza de Mayo square. Tognetti was insulted and punched by the […]
(Periodistas/IFEX) – PERIODISTAS is expressing its indignation over the
cowardly assault of journalist Daniel Tognetti, of the television programme
Caiga Quien Caiga (CQC). Tognetti was assaulted at dawn on 17 October 1999,
following a gathering held by the Partido Justicialista political party in
the Plaza de Mayo square.
Tognetti was insulted and punched by the occupants of a vehicle parked in a
reserved spot and bearing plaques identifying it as belonging to the
organisers of the event. The journalist suffered injuries to his teeth and
to his lips, requiring stiches.
Tognetti denouced the incident to the police. PERIODISTAS hopes that the
police and the courts will detain the responsible parties and duly charge
It is particularly unfortunate that this shameful act occurred during the
week of a presidential election, a time which should instead stand for
strengthening democratic institutions and respect for the law.