(RSF/IFEX) – According to RSF, on 11 April 1998, Bernardo Arevalo Padron, who was sentenced on 28 November 1997 to six years in prison for “contempt” against Fidel Castro and Carlos Lage, the president of the National Assembly, was assaulted in the Ariza prison by two State Security agents. Arevalo Padron, founder of the independent […]
(RSF/IFEX) – According to RSF, on 11 April 1998, Bernardo Arevalo Padron,
who was sentenced on 28 November 1997 to six years in prison for “contempt”
against Fidel Castro and Carlos Lage, the president of the National
Assembly, was assaulted in the Ariza prison by two State Security agents.
Arevalo Padron, founder of the independent Linea Sur press agency, suffered
numerous abrasions to the body and injuries to the head. The prison doctor,
after having examined Arevalo Padron, confirmed the injuries. The assault
took place shortly after prison authorities discovered several
“anti-government” messages written on prison walls.
**Updates IFEX alerts of 16 March, 21 and 16 January 1998, 17 October, 18
September and 21 August 1997**
According to RSF, State Security agents have been continually threatening
Arevalo Padron that he would not leave the Ariza prison alive. In February
1998, Arevalo Padron complained in a letter to a fellow independent
journalist that he had been the victim of various methods of intimidation.
RSF believes that Arevalo Padron was convicted solely for having exercised
his right to free expression, as guaranteed by Article 19 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
unconditional release of Bernardo Arevalo Padron
Appeals To
Mr. Abelardo Colome Ibarra
Minister of the Interior
La Havana – Cuba
Fax: + 53 7 33 5261 (attn: Ministry of the Interior)
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.