Journalist Necmiye Arslanoglu was arrested at the Diyarbakir offices of the “Ozgur Halk” newspaper on 12 April 1995. The British National Union of Journalists has received alarming reports that she, and members of her immediate family who attempted to protest her arrest, have suffered serious mistreatment. ARTICLE 19 published “Political Speech in Turkey: a Legal […]
Journalist Necmiye Arslanoglu was arrested at the Diyarbakir
offices of the “Ozgur Halk” newspaper on 12 April 1995. The
British National Union of Journalists has received alarming
reports that she, and members of her immediate family who
attempted to protest her arrest, have suffered serious
ARTICLE 19 published “Political Speech in Turkey: a Legal
Analysis of Freedom of Expression Issues In the Capital
Prosecution of Six Kurdish Parliamentarians” which emphasizes the
extremely narrow circumstances under which member states of the
Council of Europe are entitled to punish the peaceful advocacy of
ideas. The Constitutional Court in Spain, for example, has made
it clear that newspapers informing the public of the views of the
armed Basque separatist group, ETA, are included under the
protection of Article 10 of the ECHR. ARTICLE 19 points out that
Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is
binding under Turkish law. The continuing harassment of
journalists and others attempting to report on ethnic and
separatist tensions in Turkey raises serious doubts about Turkish
willingness to implement Article 10 according to the standards
which prevail elsewhere in Europe.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
allegations against Arslanoglu
protected while in custody, and tried in full accordance with
international standards
charges against the journalist, in light of Turkey’s commitment
to uphold international human rights standards
Appeals To
Her Excellency Tansu Ciller
Prime Minister
Office of the Prime Minister
06573 Ankara, Turkey
Fax: +90 312 417 0476 or +90 312 230 8896
Please copy appeals to the originator if possible.